Not only is using activated charcoal safe, but it works amazing for teeth whitening and general mouth health! Brushing your teeth with a black powdered substance sounds ridiculous.  Surprisingly, like turmeric, it’s one of the best natural methods to whiten your teeth.  Using activated charcoal powder or toothpaste will remove those stains and whiten your teeth naturally.

Plus it only takes 5 minutes or less.  Keep reading for everything you need to know before you get started.

What is Activated Charcoal Toothpaste?

If you are not familiar with activated charcoal, here’s what you need to know. Just for the record, we are not talking about the type of charcoal you use in your BBQ, but “activated” charcoal. Activated charcoal has been processed at a very high temperatures that change the internal structure of it.

This change to the activated charcoal, gives a negative charge that attracts toxins, poisons, gases, and other substances and prevents them from being absorbed into your body. It is a natural solution, that can not be absorbed by your body, and why it works so well as a toothpaste and teeth whitening.

What is Activated Charcoal Toothpaste?

Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening | Activated Charcoal Toothpaste

Activated Charcoal Toothpaste works like a magnet binding itself to any stains, tartars, or bacteria you have in your mouth. It gets into the little areas that you may not with your toothbrush, to get rid of these particles.  In just one treatment you will notice a difference.  A few other benefits you will notice are:

  • Absorbs stain and whitens teeth
  • Gets rid of bad breath fast
  • Washes away acidic plaque
  • Absorbs plaque and bacteria

How to Apply Activated Charcoal to your Teeth

Brushing your teeth with activated charcoal is really easy to do and takes under 5 minutes per application. For best results, it is recommended that you use it 2-3 times in total per week, and never more then once a day.  Complete until you get the desired result and then repeat on a maintenance schedule once a month.

You do not need a special toothbrush for this, but it will discolor your tooth brush so I always keep a second one just for this.  Be careful with this black powder, it can stain some surfaces and clothes that it comes into contact with.

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Special note: if you have caps on your teeth you should contact your dentist before using this. I have a cap but do this anyways, but for legal and moral reasons need to tell you this.

You can either purchase a charcoal toothpaste for the easiest, mess free application or make your own from pills or powder. I like to make my own toothpaste from a powder form, so this will be included in the instructions below.

Remember it is an organic and natural solution, so besides staining your shirt or toothbrush, you do not have to worry about anything.  If you swallow it by mistake, no worries.  Activated charcoal has many benefits of also detoxing the toxins from your body if ingested. It is odourless, and has almost no taste.  There is a gritty texture you may need to get use too.



  1. Take 1 or 2 tablets and grind them up into a fine powder. This should be 1-2 teaspoons worth if you are using powder.
  2. Add just enough water with the charcoal powder to form a paste.
  3. Dip your toothbrush into the paste and apply directly onto your teeth. Make sure to dab on versus rubbing on. This will ruin your toothbrush, so make sure you either have an old toothbrush or new one dedicated specifically for charcoal as it will discolour the brush.
  4. Leave on your teeth for 3-5 minutes so it had enough time to bind to your teeth. I like to swish it around in my teeth to make sure reaches all crevasses.
  5. Some people like to gently brush their teeth before removing.  Important note, always gently brush as it can remove ennamel if brushes too hard.
  6. Rinse your mouth until it’s gone. I normally follow up brushing again with my real toothbrush once I am sure all black charcoal powder is gone.

Here’s a video tutorial of how to whiten your teeth with activated charcoal:

Does Activated Charcoal really work for Teeth Whitening?

Charcoal has been used to clean teeth for thousands of years, but activated charcoal is growing in popularity. I was a skeptic at first wondering if it worked, but after my first treatment was hooked.

There are many uses of activated charcoal besides just teeth whitening including many facial masks for acne and hairgrowth.  My friends use to make jokes, when I would use activated charcoal to eat before going out for a big diner, or night drinking on the town. This is really an antidote for your entire health, and works wonders for your oral health.

What’s your experience with activated charcoal?  Comment below!

Does it actually work? Find out how Activated Charcoal can Whiten Teeth


Not only is brushing your teeth with Charcoal Safe, but is AMAZING for your oral health. Learn the Best Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening Tips and Powders!

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