Once you become aware of soy, you’ll quickly realize that it’s everywhere. It’s in your snacks, dinners, lunch, milk, cereals and almost every food you likely eat on a daily basis.

So you can imagine how much you are already consuming regularly. It’s no wonder that a lot of people today are suffering from preventable illnesses that are caused by soy.

It won’t be discussed in this article, but soy has also been linked to fibroids, which affects almost half of the African American female population!

Everything you heard was a lie

Soy is being marketed as a healthy protein, especially in the vegan, vegetarian and health-conscious consumer markets. You may have found yourself considering drinking soy milk instead of cow milk or eating tofu instead of meat. But when you dig a little deeper, you’ll find studies that prove otherwise.

For instance, in one study, it was actually found that soy caused malnutrition, immune system breakdown, cognitive decline, digestive distress, thyroid dysfunction, issues with reproduction and even infertility! Not to mention the big C (cancer) and heart disease.

Seems counterproductive to switch to soy for health reasons when it has been tied to some of the worse conditions known to modern man!

Why all the confusion about soy?

This is thanks to the government entities like the FDA and USDA who are here to monitor our foods, and are supposed to only approve those that are healthy. With this in mind, a lot of people trust whatever’s sold in the supermarket, but this is the biggest mistake one can make.

Majority of the food you find on shelves today aren’t healthy and contribute to all sorts of illnesses. This is because a lot of the foods and ingredients used aren’t natural to begin with. What I mean is, they are hybrid and genetically modified.

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Clearing up the mass confusion behind soy

Scientists have been engineering foods by altering their genes with genes from other plants (and even animals!) so that they can grow bigger, or to have a certain color or to repel pests and freezing winters.

This process involves “microwaving” the seed of a plant, so that the cell membranes break down, then inserting a viruses (on purpose), so that they can insert the foreign genes. Otherwise, the plant cells would reject the foreign genes.

Soybeans are a hybrid food (outcome of combining two seeds from two different plants) and today 90% of them are genetically modified. GMO foods were first introduced in 1996, and since then we have seen increasing rates of low birth weights, infertility and a number of health problems. When studies of GM soybeans were done on animals, the results showed effects like allergies, offspring death, sterility and birth defects at five times the normal rate.

Then on top of being genetically modified, soybeans are sprayed with herbicide toxins, like glyphosate, which has been found to be carcinogenic. Even with the soybeans that are “organic”, there are antinutrients present, which includes phytates, saponins, trypsin inhibiters, phytoestrogens, soyatoxin and goitrogens.

Traditionally, soybeans were fermented, which destroyed those antinutrients, allowing the body to benefit from the good side of soy. But the soy you find here in America is unfermented, including soy milk, TVP (textured vegetable protein), tofu and sadly, baby formula. Here is a breakdown of the 10 problems with soy:

  1. It contains goitrogens, which can block your body’s ability to synthesize thyroid hormones, leading to hypothyrodism and thyroid cancer.
  2. It contains high phytic acid or phytates, which is known for reducing your body’s assimilation of magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron and copper. This has shown to cause development issues in children.
  3. It contains trypsin inhibitors, which disrupts your normal digestion functioning, leading to pancreatic disorders. It was also shown to stunt growth in animal studies.
  4. It contains phytoestrogens or isoflavones, which mocks the human’s estrogen hormone. It blocks your body’s ability to produce normal estrogen and disrupts the function of your endocrine. This is what also leads to infertility and increased risk of breast cancer.
  5. It contains hemaglutinin, which causes your red blood cells to clump together. This makes it hard for them to absorb and administer oxygen to the tissues in your body.
  6. It has synthetic vitamin D, which is toxic.
  7. It contains vitamin B12, a synthetic version, of course. Your body is unable to use it, so it contributes to B12 deficiency, especially within the vegan population.
  8. Its fragile proteins are denatured during the processing phase, which consists of high temperatures. This is done to create soy protein isolate and TVP. The processing of soybean causes toxic lysinoalanine to form, along with nitrosamines, which are highly carginogenic.
  9. It contains MSG, also known as free glutamic acid. It is a highly potent neurotoxin. This is created during the chemical processing of soybeans, and is sometimes added to cover the foul taste of soy.
  10. It contains high concentrations of aluminum manganese. Aluminum is a known toxin that causes damage to your nervous system and kidneys. Manganese also causes harm to the metabolic system of newborns and infants. To give you an idea of the danger of baby formula — a day’s worth of formula is equal to the amount of estrogen found in five birth control pills.

Getting soy out of your life

It’s going to be a very hard task to eliminate soy from your diet because it has saturated the food and drink markets so badly. Go to the grocery store and take a look at the labels, and surely you’ll see one of the many different names used for soy (lecithin, soya, etc.) or ingredients that contain soy (tofu, xanthan, etc.)

You can find a full list of all the ingredients associated with soy right here. The best way to get away from all GMO and synthetic ingredients is to start making meals from scratch. It’s not hard at all, just needs to be planned ahead of time. After a while, you’ll get the gist of it.

Worse case scenario, you should only stick to fermented soy (certain soy sauces, tempeh, miso and natto) — but good luck finding that. If you ask me, it’s easier to just stay away from it all.



Soy is often the major protein in vegan and vegetarian lifestyles, but is it in fact good for you? Here’s 10 reasons why you shouldn’t eat it.

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